Chubang Premium Dark Soy Sauce

The sauce is rich in color, adds color and freshness, and brings out the delicious taste. The special dark soy sauce has a ruddy color and a thick body. The cooked dishes are evenly colored and have a mellow taste. It is a model of dark soy sauce.



Ingredients: 500g pig intestine, 5g coriander

Seasoning: 20 grams of Chubang special pure peanut oil, 8 grams of Chubang pure rice vinegar, 10 grams of Chubang special dark soy sauce, 10 grams of Chubang onion and ginger cooking wine, 2 grams of salt, 25 grams of white sugar, 2 grams of pepper, 2 Sichuan peppercorns Gram; Amomum villosum powder 0.3g, cinnamon noodles 0.3g, star anise 2g, cardamom 2g, cinnamon 2g, Chubang soy sauce 5g, Chubang MSG 2g, wine 5g, Chubang chicken powder 2g

Production Method:

1. Add Chubon pure rice vinegar and salt to the pig intestines, wash them inside out, put the intestines together and tie them into a cross with toothpicks;

2. Add Chubang onion and ginger cooking wine, salt, onion and ginger, star anise, pepper, cardamom, amomum villosum powder, cinnamon, cloves, Chubang soy sauce, Chubang MSG, and wine. Steam for 2 hours, remove and let cool;

3. Cut the steamed large intestine into finger-shaped pieces and boil it in a pot to remove the odor. After cooking, remove it and put it into the pot. Add Chubang premium dark soy sauce for color;

4. Fry in a pot until colored and take out;

5. Add Chubonte Fragrance Pure Peanut Oil to the pot and heat it up. Add in white sugar and stir-fry until the color becomes brown. Add in large intestine pieces and stir evenly;

6. Add Chubang onion and ginger cooking wine, onion and ginger water, water, sugar, salt, Chubang pure rice vinegar, pepper, cinnamon powder, Amomum villosum powder, and Chubang chicken powder;

7. Bring to a boil over high heat, then lower the heat and simmer until the soup thickens and the juice thickens into gravy;

8. Chop the coriander into mince, put it on a plate and sprinkle with the minced coriander.

Taste: sweet, sour, spicy, salty, fresh, one of the traditional flavors of Shandong.

Features of the dish: red and bright color, salty, sweet, sour and spicy taste, slightly bitter, soft texture

Production tips: When making it, blanch it once, boil it twice, fry it three times and bake it four times.

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Recipe nameNine turns of large intestine


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